34 young teenagers living lives of rockstars/ legends.
34 young teenagers living lives of rockstars/ legends.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
YAY PEOPLE! It's the 100th POST!!!! How cool is that? We've been in 2 A for almost 9 months now and this really show that we are forces to be reckon with! 9 months, 100 posts and uncountable tears and laughters with all of you guys! We've really came a long way don't we? :DSo, to celebrate, let me give you the HOMEWORK! http://www.cbc.ca/kids/general/the-lab/history-of-invention/default.html. A) Group work - Research (DUE: 29 September 2009) Using the invention timeline, in your group, find one invention- from antiquity to the present- that shares related technology with at least one or two other inventions on the timeline (and that was necessary for the development of the succeeding inventions they identify) In you search, your group should look for information based on the categories outlined below and present your findings in a scrapbook- -names and dates of the 3 inventions -description of why each invention was important -explanation of how each affected people's lives and shaped societies -explanation of how first invention relates to or inspired the second -Optional: description of how the second invention relates to or inspired the third Use your imagination: Bonus Question: What kind of invention might be developed in the future that could result from or be realted to these two (or three) inventions? B) Individual work- Jurnal Write a journal. 'If I am an inventor, I would invent...' Why? Groups: 1) Intan, Adina, Uva 2) Aisyah, Pui, Khaleeda 3) Syaq, Gana, Foong Wen, Min 4) Elynna, Xiao Yee, Izzy 5) Sarah, Tharshini J, Ili 6) Maisara, Moga, Li Syuen 7) Eleanor, Liyana, Tharshini K 8) Tharrisiny, Ramizah, Syahirah 9) Natasyah, Ksherah, Huda 10) Far far, Tusy, Uma 11) Elsa, Khai Lin, Jiey THANK YOU and cheers to the 100th POST!!!!! |