34 young teenagers living lives of rockstars/ legends.
34 young teenagers living lives of rockstars/ legends.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
![]() Jika ada siang, pasti ada malam Jika ada hitam, pasti ada putih Jika ada kesalahan, pasti ada maaf Dalam perjalanan hidup ini kita sempat bertemu Kemudian berpisah seiring dengan waktu Bila selama kita seiring jalan ada seteru Saya hulur maaf dan keredhaan untuk itu Ampun dan maaf andainya TERkasar bahasa TERsilap bicara TERmarah yang tak kena TERtanya tak tentu hala TERsasul yang tak sengaja TERpukul kat mana mana TERpekik di telinga TERhantuk di kepala TERpinjam harta benda TERmoody tak semena mena TERumpat bila bila TERmacam macam lagi yang kena mengena Semoga dimaafkan -azrianna azmil- Wednesday, September 16, 2009
![]() We won the first place for Sajak just now. ![]() Sunday, September 13, 2009
YAY PEOPLE! It's the 100th POST!!!! How cool is that? We've been in 2 A for almost 9 months now and this really show that we are forces to be reckon with! 9 months, 100 posts and uncountable tears and laughters with all of you guys! We've really came a long way don't we? :DSo, to celebrate, let me give you the HOMEWORK! http://www.cbc.ca/kids/general/the-lab/history-of-invention/default.html. A) Group work - Research (DUE: 29 September 2009) Using the invention timeline, in your group, find one invention- from antiquity to the present- that shares related technology with at least one or two other inventions on the timeline (and that was necessary for the development of the succeeding inventions they identify) In you search, your group should look for information based on the categories outlined below and present your findings in a scrapbook- -names and dates of the 3 inventions -description of why each invention was important -explanation of how each affected people's lives and shaped societies -explanation of how first invention relates to or inspired the second -Optional: description of how the second invention relates to or inspired the third Use your imagination: Bonus Question: What kind of invention might be developed in the future that could result from or be realted to these two (or three) inventions? B) Individual work- Jurnal Write a journal. 'If I am an inventor, I would invent...' Why? Groups: 1) Intan, Adina, Uva 2) Aisyah, Pui, Khaleeda 3) Syaq, Gana, Foong Wen, Min 4) Elynna, Xiao Yee, Izzy 5) Sarah, Tharshini J, Ili 6) Maisara, Moga, Li Syuen 7) Eleanor, Liyana, Tharshini K 8) Tharrisiny, Ramizah, Syahirah 9) Natasyah, Ksherah, Huda 10) Far far, Tusy, Uma 11) Elsa, Khai Lin, Jiey THANK YOU and cheers to the 100th POST!!!!! Friday, September 11, 2009
i just got this, guys, answers please! Please answer this. Ah Meng want to buy a pair of shoe, but he don’t have any $$. So he borrow
He get back the change and return back to Lily and Lulu each $1,
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wire Frame Ghost ![]() For those who have too much free time on their hands, why not create a ghost to scare off trespassers or onlookers? Created using fencing wire materials, the mesh is then crafted into the shape of a human and from some distance away would create the ideal illusion that some ‘one’ is out there. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Johan Lorbeer Still Life Performance ![]() Lesser known Johan Lorbeer is a German performance artist who became famous of his ‘Still-Life’ performances which took place in public areas. For hours he would remain as a living work of art where he elevates to the state of a sculpture. These performances seemed really impossible as they involve illusions to the audience that makes him look like he is defying the laws of gravity. Check out 7 more pics of Johan Lorbeer illusion performance after the jump. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Eureka Carpark Illusion![]() Interesting illusion of letters on the walls at the Eureka Tower Carpark in Melbourne that can be read perfectly at certain angles while looking distorted at other angles. Similar projects are the Cardiff Bay and 3D room paint optical illusions. This car park project won several international design awards. 4 more pics of the Eureka carpark illusion after the jump. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
I have mixed feelings if this trend goes popular and the employee wearing this eyelashes sure need a dental job on her teeth if she is to market these. 10 more pics after the jump. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Monday, September 7, 2009
Oh, since you say Elsa is missing from 2 A's blog, I decide to post something useless.NAH! Honesty Teacher: What excuse have you got for being late? John: (breathlessly) I ran so fast, teacher, that I didn't have time to think of one How Can I? Wife: Our new neighbour always kisses his wife when he goes to work, why don't you do that? Husband: How can I? I don't even know her. Only Five Father: Have you taken your maths test, son? Son: Taken already. Father: Did you get them all right? Son: Only five wrong Father: Not bad! By the way, how many sums altogether? Son: Five. Right And Wrong Teacher writes a sum, 3 + 7 = 9, on the blackboard. Teacher: Is the sum right? First Student: Wrong. Second Student: Right. First Student: Wrong. Second Student: Right First Student: 3 + 7 should be 10 and not 9, right? Second Student: Right. First Student: Then why did you say 3 + 7 is 9 right? Second Student: Because you say it is wrong and I agreed with you. Dead Body Cycling During an English lesson, the teacher notices that a boy was not paying attention to him . . . . Teacher: Bobby, join these two sentences together. I was cycling to school. I saw a dead body. Bobby: (thinking for a while) I saw a dead body cycling to school. The Music Musician: Is the music sweet? Boy: It's more or less like the one which my father plays. Musician: Is your father a musician? Boy: No, he's a carpenter. Thief For Thief One day as a husband was having his tea at home, his wife complained to him . . . Wife: You know dear, our new washerwoman stole two of our towels. That crook! Husband: Which towels dear? Wife: The ones we stole from the hotel in Miami Beach. Better One Bus Inspector: Where's your ticket? Traveler: I think I have lost it. Bus Inspector: Well, that's not a good excuse. Traveler: Alright. You suggest a better one. Sign in the Dark Silvia: Dad, can you write in the dark? Dad: I think so. What do you want me to write? Silvia: Your name on this report card. Make a Sentence Teacher: Ellen, give me a sentence starting with "I". Ellen: I is... Teacher: No, Ellen. Always say, "I am." Ellen: All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet." Keeps Talking Teacher: What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested? Pupil: A teacher. Broke Window A new prisoner comes to a prison cell. Convicts: What has happened with you that you are here? Prisoner: I have broken a window on my job place. Convicts: It's unbelievable! Where did you work? Prisoner: On a submarine. Where are you from? Texan: "Where are you from?" Harvard Grad: "I come from a place where we do not end our sentences with prepositions." Texan: "OK -- where are you from, jackass?" DisneyLand One day, 2 Ah Bengs (slang for singapore gangster) were driving to Disneyland. As they passed through Anaheim, they saw a sign on the freeway that said Disneyland Left. So they turned around and went home. Tuesday, September 1, 2009
"The Climb" ft. AhmirThis is so beautiful, I never like this song honestly but listening him singing it, aww i'm so touched.Sharing with my classmates, "The Climb" ft. Ahmir. |