34 young teenagers living lives of rockstars/ legends.
Congrats to Elsa and Azrianan for getting 3rd place in Cooking Competition. You guys did great. Eventhough we lost, you still did a nice arrangement ;D Congrats to 2 Fasih (2nd place) and 2 Cekap (1st place) :D and , Congrats to everyone. We got 2nd place for Geography's Quiz. We did great. Maybe it's not our luck to be the champion. At least we studied :D Congrats to 2 Hormat for getting champion. Oh yeah, We are still the CLEANEST class for 10 times ;D Even though what Pui San did, snatching the mic was not polite of her, I think we deserved to answer that question since we waited so long and the mic was given to other class except ours. We did put our hands up first and also came in front first but maybe it's not our luck. Well we do not want to blame anyone but please do not say bad things about our class. Why don't you think back what you and your classmates did just now too. We all can help changing our mentality from 3rd class to 1st class. ;D Never mind 2 Amanah, We still have the ECO competition this wednesday and others waiting for us. :D So, come on 2 Amanah , FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. homework ; Eng - Essay - Article Ictl - Story Board - paper and power point - due Thursday Geo - power point - group work Do come to school tomorrow, WAN ILI MUNIRAH WAN ZAINAL RASHID :D
Woah. One hell of a day right? So please give it up to Azrianna and Elsa for presenting the class in cooking competition tomorrow. Wish us luck okay? We want this to be another achievement in the class portfolio. So, Fred is looking pretty hungry today. Nobody feeds him. But whatever, maybe that'll make him slim up a bit. LOL. Seriously, he's kinda fat for a dead turkey or rock or kelapa sawit. Let's just hope he'll respond to us tomorrow. We'll say hi at the top of our lungs. We'll throw him with a stick if we can. I'm sorry, i'm just so eager to find up what fred really is. I mean if its a female, let's call it Jane Doe. Just one of my stupid crappy idea. Homeworks; Geo - Latihan Bab 10 and notes including langkah-langkah and sumber air, positif and negatif ICTL- Slideshow and storyboard for webpage. Due next thursday. P/s; Sorry Azrianna for making a mess between us. Love, Elsa
Fred, our pet, was nearly taken by those garbage men. Fortunately, he is still there, sitting happily beside the roadside. :DHorse + Donkey = HOCKEYHomework ; Agama ; Worksheets
Homework ; English - Comprehension - page 60 - text book - all questions Sejarah - Nota - Bab 4.2 Mathematics - 5.1C - question 2 - all
Happy Weekend ;DHomework ; EG - Lit Book - Lit - email - Summary - email KH - group A - worksheet *Please bring newspaper and things to donate (;
So sorry for the lack of updates. You guys have the right to update too you know. So, why not update something?? Keep this blog alive. GO HIJAU! 4th place pun okay gak, no? Congrats to biru. As you guys know. This year kelas 3 olahragawati is IZZY!!!! We are sooo veryyyy proud of you! Another achievement in 2 amanah portfolio! Please please please bring food, drink etc... We want to donate them to the old folks home. ANd bring old newspaper. SAVE THE FREAKIN' EARTH!! WOOOHHOOOO! That's it for now. Taaaa~~~
So today , was fun. I think everyone came except for ELSA ATHIRAH ASRI -______- PJK was fun kaan. Oh, we've change our class' cheer. It goes like this ; Go Go , Two Amanah , Tough and sexy , The best ;DIt's Amy (Ramizah Syahirah)'s idea. So yeah (; and for homework ; PJK - folio Geo - Nota , Bab 8 Agama - Nota I think that's all ;D
Hello everyone ;D Hope you like the new blog skin. Anyways, for those who haven't pass up your KH note book , please do so tomorrow. ;D Good luck to Ramizah for Tennis. She's playing single tomorrow. And also to Elsa for her Malay Drama audition. ;D
Friday (2nd April 2009) -Math , 3.3 C Audition malay drama on Monday, 2.30 p.m. Oh and good luck to the MSSD tennis players. We are wishing you luck. And bring us back medals kay?? -ohlala
Cleanest Class (13x)
Choral Speaking Interclass - Champion
Coocking Competition Interclass - Second Runner-Up (Azrianan & Elsa)
Geography Quiz Interclass - First Runner-Up
Chinese Calligraphy Interclass - represent (Khai Lin, Xiao Yee, Eleanor)
Sri Aman Go Green Walkabout - Champion (Kshearah)
Sri Aman Go Green Walkabout - 2nd Runner Up (Tharshini J)
Olahragawati Kelas 3 Interhouse - (Izzati)
3 Golds Sport's Day - (Izzati)
2 Golds, 1 Silver & 1 Bronze Sport's Day - (Pui San)
Cross Country MSSD - 19th place (Pui San) ,represent (Tharisyini)
Choral Speaking MSSD - represent
Tennis MSSD - represent (Natasyah & Ramizah)
Sofball MSSD Under 15th - Champion (Izzati)
Solar Cooking - MSSD - Champion (Pui San,Farhanah & Sarah)
Squash MSSS - First Runner-Up (Aisyah)
Sofball MSSS - represent (Izzati)
Solar Cooking - MSSS - Champion (Pui San,Farhanah & Sarah)
Cheer 2009 - MSSM - 17th - Dstarz (Pui San)
Musical Drama (Ramizah,Elsa & Natasyah)
Editor: /rac♥
Background: stinkkyy
Layout/Coding: Mary
Inspiration: xanga livejournal
Host: 1 2
Congrats to Elsa and Azrianan for getting 3rd place in Cooking Competition. You guys did great. Eventhough we lost, you still did a nice arrangement ;D Congrats to 2 Fasih (2nd place) and 2 Cekap (1st place) :D and , Congrats to everyone. We got 2nd place for Geography's Quiz. We did great. Maybe it's not our luck to be the champion. At least we studied :D Congrats to 2 Hormat for getting champion. Oh yeah, We are still the CLEANEST class for 10 times ;D Even though what Pui San did, snatching the mic was not polite of her, I think we deserved to answer that question since we waited so long and the mic was given to other class except ours. We did put our hands up first and also came in front first but maybe it's not our luck. Well we do not want to blame anyone but please do not say bad things about our class. Why don't you think back what you and your classmates did just now too. We all can help changing our mentality from 3rd class to 1st class. ;D Never mind 2 Amanah, We still have the ECO competition this wednesday and others waiting for us. :D So, come on 2 Amanah , FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. homework ; Eng - Essay - Article Ictl - Story Board - paper and power point - due Thursday Geo - power point - group work Do come to school tomorrow, WAN ILI MUNIRAH WAN ZAINAL RASHID :D
Woah. One hell of a day right? So please give it up to Azrianna and Elsa for presenting the class in cooking competition tomorrow. Wish us luck okay? We want this to be another achievement in the class portfolio. So, Fred is looking pretty hungry today. Nobody feeds him. But whatever, maybe that'll make him slim up a bit. LOL. Seriously, he's kinda fat for a dead turkey or rock or kelapa sawit. Let's just hope he'll respond to us tomorrow. We'll say hi at the top of our lungs. We'll throw him with a stick if we can. I'm sorry, i'm just so eager to find up what fred really is. I mean if its a female, let's call it Jane Doe. Just one of my stupid crappy idea. Homeworks; Geo - Latihan Bab 10 and notes including langkah-langkah and sumber air, positif and negatif ICTL- Slideshow and storyboard for webpage. Due next thursday. P/s; Sorry Azrianna for making a mess between us. Love, Elsa
Fred, our pet, was nearly taken by those garbage men. Fortunately, he is still there, sitting happily beside the roadside. :DHorse + Donkey = HOCKEYHomework ; Agama ; Worksheets
Homework ; English - Comprehension - page 60 - text book - all questions Sejarah - Nota - Bab 4.2 Mathematics - 5.1C - question 2 - all
Happy Weekend ;DHomework ; EG - Lit Book - Lit - email - Summary - email KH - group A - worksheet *Please bring newspaper and things to donate (;
So sorry for the lack of updates. You guys have the right to update too you know. So, why not update something?? Keep this blog alive. GO HIJAU! 4th place pun okay gak, no? Congrats to biru. As you guys know. This year kelas 3 olahragawati is IZZY!!!! We are sooo veryyyy proud of you! Another achievement in 2 amanah portfolio! Please please please bring food, drink etc... We want to donate them to the old folks home. ANd bring old newspaper. SAVE THE FREAKIN' EARTH!! WOOOHHOOOO! That's it for now. Taaaa~~~
So today , was fun. I think everyone came except for ELSA ATHIRAH ASRI -______- PJK was fun kaan. Oh, we've change our class' cheer. It goes like this ; Go Go , Two Amanah , Tough and sexy , The best ;DIt's Amy (Ramizah Syahirah)'s idea. So yeah (; and for homework ; PJK - folio Geo - Nota , Bab 8 Agama - Nota I think that's all ;D
Hello everyone ;D Hope you like the new blog skin. Anyways, for those who haven't pass up your KH note book , please do so tomorrow. ;D Good luck to Ramizah for Tennis. She's playing single tomorrow. And also to Elsa for her Malay Drama audition. ;D
Friday (2nd April 2009) -Math , 3.3 C Audition malay drama on Monday, 2.30 p.m. Oh and good luck to the MSSD tennis players. We are wishing you luck. And bring us back medals kay?? -ohlala