34 young teenagers living lives of rockstars/ legends.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Homeworks (monday/30th March 2009)
Geography- Latihan Pengukuhan m/s 59(contoh m/s 58) Latihan At the end of chapter peta.
Religion studies- Buku latihan must be complete. Suppose to hand in tomorrow.
English Phantom- Next monday. Practice hard to get good oral marks Assignment for formative marks -In group, pick a subject -Landmarks in PJ -Events in PJ -Must use multi-media(at least 2) ex:Brochure,Slideshow, Video -Due 22nd April
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Homeworks today;
Geography = Latihan Rajah. And whole lot more yang I dh forgot. Someone pls bagitau the other homeworks. Because, I'm blurred out right now.
p/s: TASY! Why never come??
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Don't get confuse people. Plese click the love icon on top of our page, below the banner. The 1st icon is the profile/cbox, 2nd is the blog post, 3rd is the archive and 4th is the links.
The main purpose of this blog is to update on homeworks for 2 amanah people. So from tomorrow onwards, we will go back to the main purpose and I will write about homeworks. Sape yg rajin enough to update for dat day, please do. I'm not the only 2 Amanah pupil, you know.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Show your support. Turn of your lights on 28th Of March 2009, 8.30 p.m. Wherever you are. An hour of lights off is more than enough. 2 Amanah, we are one hell of a class. We're awesome. So, show your support. Turn off your lights. I'm one person, but together with the rest of Malaysians we are unstoppable. Save mother nature. She worth so much more than electric bills! Here me out! Please participate. Sign up at www.earthhour.org.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Choral speaking was da bomb. Its all we've been talking about since like ever! Practice ur choral speaking at home, please. We love 2 Amanah as much as we love Sri Aman right? So please do ur best at the competition. Memorize ur script and most importantly, HAVE FUN WITH IT!!! Whisper: Eventhough its not as fun as it used to be. We've prove to Sri Amanias we can do this, let's bring it up a notch and prove we can do this to the whole word(exeggerated, but who cares?)!!!! Everyone including other classes, do this as if ur life depends on it, okay? FOR THE SAKE OF SRI AMAN!!!!!! -schoolspiritee!
Friday, March 13, 2009
hey,2 amanahians!
who do u think would be the conductor for the choral speaking? hanna or farhanah... both of them were great during the practice,right? hahaha
please remember that we are going to have a gathering at tasya's house!!!
date: 20th March 2009(Friday) venue: tasya's house time: 11.00a.m.
so, please come! n happy holidays,people!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I'm sorry for making some trouble just now. I'm also sorry to the other students from other classes. (; Anyways as for 2 Amanah ,
BAH! 25 persons are going to get chosen to be in the school team. No matter who get it, just know that 2 A will not be 2 A without you guys. Get in or didn't get in we will always stick together. AS ONE! 2 A WE LOVE YOU!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Before the competition
Adina ; I hilang my Y lah All ; Why ? Adina ! Y Adina ; I tak tau , tiba2 tak de
Adina ; tak de lg lahhh Tasy ; OMG ADINAAA , WHYY ADINAAA Y !
Tasy ; Where's G Huda ; Tu sebelah tu Tasy ; NO ! not Jiey G Tasy ; Sapa pegang G Ili ; HA ? Jiey kan kat situ Ramizah ; I G Jiey ; HA ? Tasy ; Apa lah u ramizah , ur own friend JIEY pun tak nak pegang G betul2
AHAHHA :D I'ts actually our alphabet thingy tu
Venue ; School's Hall Time ; Second period , i think Activity ; Audition
P/S - Do your best to make everyone proud. Let's make the teacher goes dizzy. Maybe they'll change their mind and make all 2Amanah-ians represent school. As for the others , maybe as reserve ?
OMG , yay we won! After a month of scolding , quarelling and others , we finally WON ! We went through thick and thin together to be the best class ever. Even though we got scolded by teachers, we had to rewrite the script and people talked back at us , we still united! Thank you to everyone for doing their parts. At first , I know everyone was scared since we didn't touch 8 minutes. But when the mc said "and first place goes to.... 2 AMANAH!" Everyone goes "BOOM BAM BOOM!" But sadly, Farhana didn't get best conductor. Who cares , she is still the BEST CONDUCTOR for us.
YAY! And and , I hate the "rules" of having the "extras" from other classes. I think we already have the perfect group! We have the best of best students. So yeah, hopefully Farhana will stay as our conductor. Let's all say NO to new conductors. Teacher must follow this , if not , well maybe , we will not give our script , SORRY :D
Anyways ;
3rd Place ; 2 ERAT 2nd Place ; 2 HORMAT 1st Place ; 2 AMANAH !:DDDDDD
2 Amanah!!!!!! We won!!!!!!! We won!!!!!!!!! We won!!!!!!!! Yeehaa! See? Our hard work ttly paid off. Thanks for you passion and endurance troughout the process of winning this competition. Tomorrow, do your best for the audition. Sampai teachers pening kepala don't know who to choose! Thank u so very much! AND ONCE AGAIN!!! WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
"Saya tak nampak dia accident tapi saya nampak ayah dia cakap ngn orng kat tepi jalan" - Khaleeda
"Cikgu tengok dia ni , asik cubit saya" - Aisyah
"Cepat lap tingkap kalau tak bayar RM1" - Azrianna
"*blur face* huh What?" - Uma
"I like homework" - Farhana
Congrats to those who got good results and to those who got not so good results , keep working harder ;D
Choral speaking is next week 0____0 i think most of us haven't memorise the script. Except for Farhana for sure. So the practice ;
Date : 9th March 2009 Day : Monday Time : 9.00 a.m. until 12.00 p.m. Venue : School Dress code : Anything NOT nothing P/S : Bring food , please :D
and to those who never ever listen to Bunyi Guitar , please watch this vedio. And we're only going to sing the part "Bunyi guitar , irama twist. Tidak sabar , si gadis manis."
-tasy (;
She's that girl
Cleanest Class (13x)
Choral Speaking Interclass - Champion
Coocking Competition Interclass - Second Runner-Up (Azrianan & Elsa)
Geography Quiz Interclass - First Runner-Up
Chinese Calligraphy Interclass - represent (Khai Lin, Xiao Yee, Eleanor)
Sri Aman Go Green Walkabout - Champion (Kshearah)
Sri Aman Go Green Walkabout - 2nd Runner Up (Tharshini J)
Olahragawati Kelas 3 Interhouse - (Izzati)
3 Golds Sport's Day - (Izzati)
2 Golds, 1 Silver & 1 Bronze Sport's Day - (Pui San)
Cross Country MSSD - 19th place (Pui San) ,represent (Tharisyini)
Choral Speaking MSSD - represent
Tennis MSSD - represent (Natasyah & Ramizah)
Sofball MSSD Under 15th - Champion (Izzati)
Solar Cooking - MSSD - Champion (Pui San,Farhanah & Sarah)
Squash MSSS - First Runner-Up (Aisyah)
Sofball MSSS - represent (Izzati)
Solar Cooking - MSSS - Champion (Pui San,Farhanah & Sarah)
Cheer 2009 - MSSM - 17th - Dstarz (Pui San)
Musical Drama (Ramizah,Elsa & Natasyah)
Geography- Latihan Pengukuhan m/s 59(contoh m/s 58) Latihan At the end of chapter peta.
Religion studies- Buku latihan must be complete. Suppose to hand in tomorrow.
English Phantom- Next monday. Practice hard to get good oral marks Assignment for formative marks -In group, pick a subject -Landmarks in PJ -Events in PJ -Must use multi-media(at least 2) ex:Brochure,Slideshow, Video -Due 22nd April
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Homeworks today;
Geography = Latihan Rajah. And whole lot more yang I dh forgot. Someone pls bagitau the other homeworks. Because, I'm blurred out right now.
p/s: TASY! Why never come??
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Don't get confuse people. Plese click the love icon on top of our page, below the banner. The 1st icon is the profile/cbox, 2nd is the blog post, 3rd is the archive and 4th is the links.
The main purpose of this blog is to update on homeworks for 2 amanah people. So from tomorrow onwards, we will go back to the main purpose and I will write about homeworks. Sape yg rajin enough to update for dat day, please do. I'm not the only 2 Amanah pupil, you know.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Show your support. Turn of your lights on 28th Of March 2009, 8.30 p.m. Wherever you are. An hour of lights off is more than enough. 2 Amanah, we are one hell of a class. We're awesome. So, show your support. Turn off your lights. I'm one person, but together with the rest of Malaysians we are unstoppable. Save mother nature. She worth so much more than electric bills! Here me out! Please participate. Sign up at www.earthhour.org.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Choral speaking was da bomb. Its all we've been talking about since like ever! Practice ur choral speaking at home, please. We love 2 Amanah as much as we love Sri Aman right? So please do ur best at the competition. Memorize ur script and most importantly, HAVE FUN WITH IT!!! Whisper: Eventhough its not as fun as it used to be. We've prove to Sri Amanias we can do this, let's bring it up a notch and prove we can do this to the whole word(exeggerated, but who cares?)!!!! Everyone including other classes, do this as if ur life depends on it, okay? FOR THE SAKE OF SRI AMAN!!!!!! -schoolspiritee!
Friday, March 13, 2009
hey,2 amanahians!
who do u think would be the conductor for the choral speaking? hanna or farhanah... both of them were great during the practice,right? hahaha
please remember that we are going to have a gathering at tasya's house!!!
date: 20th March 2009(Friday) venue: tasya's house time: 11.00a.m.
so, please come! n happy holidays,people!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I'm sorry for making some trouble just now. I'm also sorry to the other students from other classes. (; Anyways as for 2 Amanah ,
BAH! 25 persons are going to get chosen to be in the school team. No matter who get it, just know that 2 A will not be 2 A without you guys. Get in or didn't get in we will always stick together. AS ONE! 2 A WE LOVE YOU!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Before the competition
Adina ; I hilang my Y lah All ; Why ? Adina ! Y Adina ; I tak tau , tiba2 tak de
Adina ; tak de lg lahhh Tasy ; OMG ADINAAA , WHYY ADINAAA Y !
Tasy ; Where's G Huda ; Tu sebelah tu Tasy ; NO ! not Jiey G Tasy ; Sapa pegang G Ili ; HA ? Jiey kan kat situ Ramizah ; I G Jiey ; HA ? Tasy ; Apa lah u ramizah , ur own friend JIEY pun tak nak pegang G betul2
AHAHHA :D I'ts actually our alphabet thingy tu
Venue ; School's Hall Time ; Second period , i think Activity ; Audition
P/S - Do your best to make everyone proud. Let's make the teacher goes dizzy. Maybe they'll change their mind and make all 2Amanah-ians represent school. As for the others , maybe as reserve ?
OMG , yay we won! After a month of scolding , quarelling and others , we finally WON ! We went through thick and thin together to be the best class ever. Even though we got scolded by teachers, we had to rewrite the script and people talked back at us , we still united! Thank you to everyone for doing their parts. At first , I know everyone was scared since we didn't touch 8 minutes. But when the mc said "and first place goes to.... 2 AMANAH!" Everyone goes "BOOM BAM BOOM!" But sadly, Farhana didn't get best conductor. Who cares , she is still the BEST CONDUCTOR for us.
YAY! And and , I hate the "rules" of having the "extras" from other classes. I think we already have the perfect group! We have the best of best students. So yeah, hopefully Farhana will stay as our conductor. Let's all say NO to new conductors. Teacher must follow this , if not , well maybe , we will not give our script , SORRY :D
Anyways ;
3rd Place ; 2 ERAT 2nd Place ; 2 HORMAT 1st Place ; 2 AMANAH !:DDDDDD
2 Amanah!!!!!! We won!!!!!!! We won!!!!!!!!! We won!!!!!!!! Yeehaa! See? Our hard work ttly paid off. Thanks for you passion and endurance troughout the process of winning this competition. Tomorrow, do your best for the audition. Sampai teachers pening kepala don't know who to choose! Thank u so very much! AND ONCE AGAIN!!! WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
"Saya tak nampak dia accident tapi saya nampak ayah dia cakap ngn orng kat tepi jalan" - Khaleeda
"Cikgu tengok dia ni , asik cubit saya" - Aisyah
"Cepat lap tingkap kalau tak bayar RM1" - Azrianna
"*blur face* huh What?" - Uma
"I like homework" - Farhana
Congrats to those who got good results and to those who got not so good results , keep working harder ;D
Choral speaking is next week 0____0 i think most of us haven't memorise the script. Except for Farhana for sure. So the practice ;
Date : 9th March 2009 Day : Monday Time : 9.00 a.m. until 12.00 p.m. Venue : School Dress code : Anything NOT nothing P/S : Bring food , please :D
and to those who never ever listen to Bunyi Guitar , please watch this vedio. And we're only going to sing the part "Bunyi guitar , irama twist. Tidak sabar , si gadis manis."